<fabiosenracorrea />

Detailed Career

In this section you can find a more detailed description of my software developer career, with references to projects and companies I've worked for, as well as extensive training programs taken

Project: DIY Survey Plataform

at Offerwise

Responsible for a Do It Yourself (DIY) application in which a user can create complex surveys with jumps, evaluation logics, filters, profiling through a user-friendly interface. Responders interact with a blazing fast UI and zero downtime API. Live quota control and real-time reporting with O(1) load time. More than 2M answers collected.

Main Stack: React/Vue, NodeJS, Serverless, DynamoDB, Typescript

Co-founder: Smart Study Flashcards app

at SmartMedcards

Platform with more than 7800+ flashcards geared towards medicine students preparing for their Medical Residency, based on a smart-study algorithm that choses the best cards for every given moment, based on a large number of parameters and all previous user interactions

Built with the best tecnologies to be infinitely scalable and reliable, our beta version is almost ready to be released

Project: Authentication/Authorization Layer

at CloudIgniter

Responsible for building 5+ completely different autentication flows on top of different AWS Cognito user pools with extreme customization and auditable logs.

External connection with Google/Facebook federations, low-level LDAP connection with Microsoft AD, user migrations and unique MFA flows built to secure the access of more than 200K projected users

Project: End-to-end Management System

at CloudIgniter

Lead developer responsible for unifying their entire process (formerly divided into 3 or 4 different systems). A 14 month project with thousands of lines of code, 7 entity modules and 80+ individual entities, serverless backend, Elastic Search enriched searches, featuring a permission system customized similarly to AWS' IAMs - all with in-house solutions!

Main Stack: React, NodeJS, Serverless, DynamoDB, Typescript

Software Architect

at CloudIgniter

Enterprise Cloud Solutions company, certified AWS partners and expects, focused on the modern cloud and serverless stack.

Project: Company Analytics

at Offerwise

Creation of the company's internal dashboard/analytics app responsible for displaying more than 50 insightful & interactive graphics

Consuming some data sources with more than 100M points, application was required to have low latency and response times.

Stack: React, NodeJS, CubeJS, AWS Athena/Cognito/Lambda

Full Stack Developer

at Offerwise

Latin's America leading market reasearch firm. Tech hub with in-house solutions for interacting with its user-base of more than 10M entries

Bootcamp: Full Stack Development

Grade: 100%

at Rocketseat

Rocketseat is one of the best software teaching companies of Brazil, offerring top-quality classes and real-life taks and always updated with the newest tecnologies available.

The program is geared toward experienced programmers with prior knowledge to web development and is focused on transforming students into top-class developers

Technologies covered: Typescript, React, NodeJS, SQL & noSQL, Redux, AWS, Unit Testing, React Native

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Project: Gamescore Extraction & Buildup


Developed an integration with EA Sports API and an external consumer, responsible for saving and ranking match results from a gaming tournament. Users would have access to a platform with near-real-time rankings of their matches, with a friendly UI to sort and display the results in different ways

Bootcamp: CS50

Grade: 100%

at Harvard

One of Harvard's most famous courses on Computer Science, it covers an introduction to low level programming (C) and how to build algorithms on it

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Graduation: Full Stack Development

Grade: 100%

at Trybe

Trybe is a futuristic school designed to shape professionals to tackle most of Web Development challenges and successfully build a solid knowledge of the field.

The program has more than 1500 hours of in-person and online classes, covering an introduction of software development, front-end, back-end, software engineering, data analysis, agile methodologies and project handling skills.

Technologies covered: JavaScript ES6+, HTML, CSS, SQL & noSQL, NodeJS, ReactJS, Redux, Express.JS, Git, Bash, Python

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Career Transition Started

Fell in love with software development and decided to pursue a career on it